In the spirit of National Lager Day, Marissa and I went to the liquor store to pick out a nice 'merican lager. Nothing really caught my eye at first until I noticed they had a beer I've had before and certainly enjoyed; Creamy Dark by the Leinenkugel's Brewing Company. With Leinenkugel's being a brewery in Marissa's comfort zone we both knew this was going to be the beer for us that evening. (Marissa's Note - Translation: I chickened out of trying anything I hadn't heard of before.)

The first beer out of the 6 pack gave me this incredible head (not pictured) that remained through the entire beer. Every other beer I've poured has had a much smaller head that has dissipated rather quickly. The aroma of this beer is incredibly strong once you pop the cap, and stays true for the initial sips. As you can see this beer in very dark, and has almost no transparency. For being such a dark beer you figure it would leave that Guinness-like heavy feeling in your mouth but the beer is incredibly smooth. It leaves a creamy (Creamy Dark... makes sense) feeling that falls somewhere between a light beer and a Guinness. (Marissa's note: While I normally steer clear of thick, dark beers, I surprisingly appreciated this one. It gave me that overall fullness feeling I expected, but was still smooth and satisfying enough to enjoyed without feeling like I'm going to end up with a giant beer belly.)
This beer is brewed with a blend of 7 malts, and 3 different hops. This produces a crisp nutty taste, with notes of coffee and caramel. It is a very drinkable beer that is good for a cold winter night.
All and all I'm not a huge Leinenkugel's person but this beer is probably my favorite from their line. Try it out if you're into dark lagers. (Marissa's note: Then go read
my post about how much I DO enjoy Leinenkugel's and try them all.)
... Also if you hate on the Jets pint glass, you can suck it.
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