Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Winter Shredder

I'm not going to lie to any of you, I picked this beer since there's an awesome snowman surfing on the bottle. Cisco Brewers Nantucket's Winter Shredder is an "ale brewed with natural spices".

This ale's appearance is a copper color with a very obvious opacity. There was a lush, dark, 1 finger head after the pour that quickly dissipated. It did not leave much lacing. 

The smell is spicy and malty with a vanilla hint. The taste is an interesting blend of sweet and spicy. Mixed tastes of nutmeg, and brown sugar with a bitter finish. It was a medium bodied, slightly dry ale. 

It was a pretty good winter ale, but not one of my favorites. I haven't had any other beers by this brewer, but I'd certainly be willing to try others. While doing my research I found it unusual that on their website Cisco Brewers did not mention this particular beer on their list. 

Lastly I'd like to apologize for my absence on the blog. Holidays and my birthday mean much more beer drinking than beer reviewing. But I have a bunch of beers in my fridge to review, and will be posting much more frequently. 

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled on your blog through reddit and I'm enjoying the reviews, especially from beers I haven't heard of like this one. Keep up the awesome work.

